July 2023
Anti-Drag Bill Introduced
An Anti-Drag Bill Has Been Introduced In The Ohio Legislature, 135th General Assembly
Angela King, (R-Celina) along with Representative Josh Williams, (R-Sylvania) has introduced H.B. 245 to prohibit adult cabaret performances. The bill as introduced reads: To amend sections 2907.39 and 4301.25 of the Revised Code to prohibit adult cabaret performances in locations other than adult cabarets. This bill then goes on to attempt to define an adult cabaret performance.
(b) Live performances that are characterized by the exposure of specified anatomical areas or specified sexual activities; (c) Films, motion pictures, video cassettes, slides, or other photographic reproductions that are distinguished or characterized by their emphasis upon the exhibition (4) “Adult cabaret performance” means a performance in a location other than an adult cabaret that is harmful to juveniles or obscene and that features topless dancers; go-go dancers; exotic dancers; strippers; performers or entertainers who exhibit a gender identity that is different from the performer’s or entertainer’s gender assigned at birth using clothing, makeup, prosthetic or imitation genitals or breasts, or other physical markers; or other similar performers or entertainers who provide entertainment that appeals to a prurient interest, regardless of whether or not the performance is for consideration. While we know this is just a long reach to make it illegal for a drag queen to read a book to children in the library, the vagueness could also be stretched to making it illegal for a drag performance at courthouse square during PRIDE.
A good portion of this bill is directly referring to porn or adult sexual displays or activities that could be seen outside a cabaret or bar setting by anyone under the age of 18; it might seem the intent is that a law enforcement officer could easily extend the law to cover more innocent acts such as drag performances in public, which are simply designed to entertain but that are not necessarily sexual in nature - simply because it could be a judgement call as to what is sexual in nature as a whole. Many of these types bills seem on the surface, to “Protect The Children” - lead the public to think we are being proactive to protect the public from a potential problem that just has not manifested itself yet; or, we could see it for what it really is, a way to strike at a minority to make a few politicians look pious in the eyes of their base.
Link to The Ohio Legislature House Bill 245
Link to HB245 PDF text
Linked references current as of July 31, 2023.
Angela King, (R-Celina) along with Representative Josh Williams, (R-Sylvania) has introduced H.B. 245 to prohibit adult cabaret performances. The bill as introduced reads: To amend sections 2907.39 and 4301.25 of the Revised Code to prohibit adult cabaret performances in locations other than adult cabarets. This bill then goes on to attempt to define an adult cabaret performance.
(b) Live performances that are characterized by the exposure of specified anatomical areas or specified sexual activities; (c) Films, motion pictures, video cassettes, slides, or other photographic reproductions that are distinguished or characterized by their emphasis upon the exhibition (4) “Adult cabaret performance” means a performance in a location other than an adult cabaret that is harmful to juveniles or obscene and that features topless dancers; go-go dancers; exotic dancers; strippers; performers or entertainers who exhibit a gender identity that is different from the performer’s or entertainer’s gender assigned at birth using clothing, makeup, prosthetic or imitation genitals or breasts, or other physical markers; or other similar performers or entertainers who provide entertainment that appeals to a prurient interest, regardless of whether or not the performance is for consideration. While we know this is just a long reach to make it illegal for a drag queen to read a book to children in the library, the vagueness could also be stretched to making it illegal for a drag performance at courthouse square during PRIDE.
A good portion of this bill is directly referring to porn or adult sexual displays or activities that could be seen outside a cabaret or bar setting by anyone under the age of 18; it might seem the intent is that a law enforcement officer could easily extend the law to cover more innocent acts such as drag performances in public, which are simply designed to entertain but that are not necessarily sexual in nature - simply because it could be a judgement call as to what is sexual in nature as a whole. Many of these types bills seem on the surface, to “Protect The Children” - lead the public to think we are being proactive to protect the public from a potential problem that just has not manifested itself yet; or, we could see it for what it really is, a way to strike at a minority to make a few politicians look pious in the eyes of their base.
Link to The Ohio Legislature House Bill 245
Link to HB245 PDF text
Linked references current as of July 31, 2023.
Methodist congregations split from denomination
Thousands of US United Methodist congregations split from denomination over LGBTQ issues.
Worthy read from The Daily Caller.
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Worthy read from The Daily Caller.
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Is Democracy Under Attack In Ohio?
Ohio has proposed a change in the State Constitution to raise the simple majority of votes up to 60% of the vote for ballot initiative to change the State of Ohio Constitution.
There will be a special August 8th election to offer this change up in what can only be viewed as the most anti-democratic action we have ever seen. Republicans cannot want this, democrats cannot want this, so this begs the question; what is behind this and what is the purpose? This is terrible for democracy. The answer is that this is a preemptive strike in an attempt to block a ballot initiative from taking place in the fall election that has really gained traction. There is a large group of individuals and organized groups that are amassing over 400,000 signature to present a pro-choice measure on the ballot this fall. Should this receive 50% of the vote, as current polls say it will, it will pass, according to our currently constitution and become law without state legislature’s interference. So it is believed if they pass a 60% threshold this will deny the votes in Ohio the ability to amend the State Constitution by a petition and ballot initiative by the will of the people. The only way to stand up to this change in the threshold is to defeat it. Show up to the polls in the middle of August and defeat it! Whatever the initiative is, the will of the people should always stand! To do anything less is just anti democratic and just another step towards fascism.
This seems to be just the latest in a long line of anti-democratic actions, such as the State’s gerrymandering efforts. The republican leadership led by Frank LaRose submitted a gerrymandered plan three times. This comes after the citizens of Ohio voted to put an end to partisan gerrymandering in a previous election. The republican controlled Ohio Supreme Court struck down LaRose’s plan all three times stating that it was unconstitutional, yet he just did not care and continues to defy the Court.
So how does this get resolved? One, get out and vote on August 8th and protect your right to petition with a majority voice! The bonus just may be the ablity to protect women’s rights.
Secondly, voting on August 8th will show that Ohio is serious about democracy and these gerrymandering tactics will not succeed and the public should always have its voice and put an end to rigging the rules against democracy.

There will be a special August 8th election to offer this change up in what can only be viewed as the most anti-democratic action we have ever seen. Republicans cannot want this, democrats cannot want this, so this begs the question; what is behind this and what is the purpose? This is terrible for democracy. The answer is that this is a preemptive strike in an attempt to block a ballot initiative from taking place in the fall election that has really gained traction. There is a large group of individuals and organized groups that are amassing over 400,000 signature to present a pro-choice measure on the ballot this fall. Should this receive 50% of the vote, as current polls say it will, it will pass, according to our currently constitution and become law without state legislature’s interference. So it is believed if they pass a 60% threshold this will deny the votes in Ohio the ability to amend the State Constitution by a petition and ballot initiative by the will of the people. The only way to stand up to this change in the threshold is to defeat it. Show up to the polls in the middle of August and defeat it! Whatever the initiative is, the will of the people should always stand! To do anything less is just anti democratic and just another step towards fascism.
This seems to be just the latest in a long line of anti-democratic actions, such as the State’s gerrymandering efforts. The republican leadership led by Frank LaRose submitted a gerrymandered plan three times. This comes after the citizens of Ohio voted to put an end to partisan gerrymandering in a previous election. The republican controlled Ohio Supreme Court struck down LaRose’s plan all three times stating that it was unconstitutional, yet he just did not care and continues to defy the Court.
So how does this get resolved? One, get out and vote on August 8th and protect your right to petition with a majority voice! The bonus just may be the ablity to protect women’s rights.
Secondly, voting on August 8th will show that Ohio is serious about democracy and these gerrymandering tactics will not succeed and the public should always have its voice and put an end to rigging the rules against democracy.

League of Women Voters on Issue 1
Ohio Issue 1 is a legislatively referred amendment to the Ohio Constitution
What is Issue 1? It would require a 60% +1 super majority from voters to approve a constitutional amendment (an increase from a simple majority of 50% +1 that has been the rule since 1912). It would require initiative petitions proposing a constitutional amendment to be signed by at least 5% of the electors in each of Ohio’s 88 counties, rather than in 44 counties, though still require signatures from 10% of the electors that have voted for governor in the previous gubernatorial election; and remove the 10-day period for petitioners to gather additional signatures for a constitutional amendment if they filed an insufficient amount of signatures.
When do Ohioans vote on Issue 1? Issue 1 is the sole ballot item on a special election to be held on Tuesday 8 August 2023. What is the League of Women Voters position on Issue 1? The following was submitted to the Dayton Daily News by the Greater Dayton Area League President.
Ballot initiatives have improved Ohio through war veteran pensions, school construction, housing and conservation, infrastructure improvements, and economic development. Requiring 60% vote to pass an amendment, rather than a simple majority, Issue 1 would unreasonably restrict the ability of citizens to directly participate in democracy.
The legislature is also planning an August Election for voters to decide this issue only, despite just voting to limit August Special Elections, which unnecessarily place strain on elections officials and waste taxpayer dollars. The August 2022 special election drew only an 8% turnout and cost $20 million. This is too important an issue to be decided by so few.
Who’s for this change? Special interest groups and at least one out-of-state megadonor, while former Governors from both parties and nearly 240 civic, labor, and faith groups have expressed opposition. We urge our Ohio legislators to vote no and maintain Ohio’s proud tradition of direct democracy.
Respectfully Submitted, Mario, President League of Women Voters Greater Dayton Area
What is Issue 1? It would require a 60% +1 super majority from voters to approve a constitutional amendment (an increase from a simple majority of 50% +1 that has been the rule since 1912). It would require initiative petitions proposing a constitutional amendment to be signed by at least 5% of the electors in each of Ohio’s 88 counties, rather than in 44 counties, though still require signatures from 10% of the electors that have voted for governor in the previous gubernatorial election; and remove the 10-day period for petitioners to gather additional signatures for a constitutional amendment if they filed an insufficient amount of signatures.
When do Ohioans vote on Issue 1? Issue 1 is the sole ballot item on a special election to be held on Tuesday 8 August 2023. What is the League of Women Voters position on Issue 1? The following was submitted to the Dayton Daily News by the Greater Dayton Area League President.
Ballot initiatives have improved Ohio through war veteran pensions, school construction, housing and conservation, infrastructure improvements, and economic development. Requiring 60% vote to pass an amendment, rather than a simple majority, Issue 1 would unreasonably restrict the ability of citizens to directly participate in democracy.
The legislature is also planning an August Election for voters to decide this issue only, despite just voting to limit August Special Elections, which unnecessarily place strain on elections officials and waste taxpayer dollars. The August 2022 special election drew only an 8% turnout and cost $20 million. This is too important an issue to be decided by so few.
Who’s for this change? Special interest groups and at least one out-of-state megadonor, while former Governors from both parties and nearly 240 civic, labor, and faith groups have expressed opposition. We urge our Ohio legislators to vote no and maintain Ohio’s proud tradition of direct democracy.
Respectfully Submitted, Mario, President League of Women Voters Greater Dayton Area
What's With These Pronouns
I'd like to take a moment just to think about some things. Light and dark are always here, like embers to a flame. They flicker in and flicker out; they do this as you age. So go and fight the darkness, for the light is yours to claim.
Recently a dear friend asked the question, “What’s with all these people putting pronouns after their names? It is constantly in your face.” Perhaps others have wondered about the same thing so it may be time to explain so we may all understand the reason it is done, and why it is important.
The reason begins in the Transgender community. You see the suicide rate in the Trans community has been 66% of trans folks who have thought about suicide, made a plan, or attempted suicide. More recently, because of the all the attacks on the Trans Community by politician attempting to demonize trans individuals, that percentage has increased two points to 68%. Locally we have a large Transgender and Non-binary support group. When I attended their meetings and we have approached this topic, I have asked the question, how many in this room have ever contemplated suicide, made a plan, or attempted suicide, and 100% the people in the room raised their hands. So, this is why it is important. This is why we do it. When you use a preferred pronoun and preferred name, you are quietly telling folks; “I see you, I hear you, I respect you.” This is especially important for educators, when dealing with young people to let them know, “I see you, I hear you, and I respect you.”
A common trait among young transgender and non-binary individuals is to self-isolate themselves and this self-isolation leads to dark thoughts. So, if a teacher or counselor uses their preferred name or pronoun it can brighten the whole attitude of a young individual.
A study done in 2018 by Russell Pollitt, A. Li, and Grossman showed that using a transgender youth’s chosen name and pronouns reduced depression symptoms by 71%, it reduced thoughts of suicide by 31%, and reduced suicide attempts by 65%. So, if just using a pro-noun might save just one kid’s life, isn’t it worth it. It may be a little different than you are used to, but if it can prevent a kid from going to a dark place, I am all in. When I talk to educators about this topic, and I show them the statistics, they too begin a volunteer personal policy of using pronouns. We want students to know; We see them, We hear them, and We respect them, when such a small thing can make such a huge difference. In speaking with them I do encourage modeling, being an example to others about the use of pronouns, and now you to know why. That is why it is important, that is why I do it. It is up to you, what will you do?
Recently a dear friend asked the question, “What’s with all these people putting pronouns after their names? It is constantly in your face.” Perhaps others have wondered about the same thing so it may be time to explain so we may all understand the reason it is done, and why it is important.
The reason begins in the Transgender community. You see the suicide rate in the Trans community has been 66% of trans folks who have thought about suicide, made a plan, or attempted suicide. More recently, because of the all the attacks on the Trans Community by politician attempting to demonize trans individuals, that percentage has increased two points to 68%. Locally we have a large Transgender and Non-binary support group. When I attended their meetings and we have approached this topic, I have asked the question, how many in this room have ever contemplated suicide, made a plan, or attempted suicide, and 100% the people in the room raised their hands. So, this is why it is important. This is why we do it. When you use a preferred pronoun and preferred name, you are quietly telling folks; “I see you, I hear you, I respect you.” This is especially important for educators, when dealing with young people to let them know, “I see you, I hear you, and I respect you.”
A common trait among young transgender and non-binary individuals is to self-isolate themselves and this self-isolation leads to dark thoughts. So, if a teacher or counselor uses their preferred name or pronoun it can brighten the whole attitude of a young individual.
A study done in 2018 by Russell Pollitt, A. Li, and Grossman showed that using a transgender youth’s chosen name and pronouns reduced depression symptoms by 71%, it reduced thoughts of suicide by 31%, and reduced suicide attempts by 65%. So, if just using a pro-noun might save just one kid’s life, isn’t it worth it. It may be a little different than you are used to, but if it can prevent a kid from going to a dark place, I am all in. When I talk to educators about this topic, and I show them the statistics, they too begin a volunteer personal policy of using pronouns. We want students to know; We see them, We hear them, and We respect them, when such a small thing can make such a huge difference. In speaking with them I do encourage modeling, being an example to others about the use of pronouns, and now you to know why. That is why it is important, that is why I do it. It is up to you, what will you do?
An Ode To Light and Dark
By True Hoffman
I'd like to take a moment just to think about some things. How come the dark can capture light? It's always bent my brain. When you switch a lamp off, it all seems cold and strange. And if you turn the lamp back on, light captures dark the same.
When I was young, I'd always wonder where the moon would go, as the sun would take its place and befriend me with a glow. What slept behind the curvature of earth and stars beyond? Would I solve this mystery before I'm dead and gone? I'd like to take a moment just to think about some things. How come love can capture hate and wash away the pain? For when you hate a soul, the love it runs away in shame. And if you turn the love back on, the hate is locked in chains.
One morning on a summer day, the sun was orange and gold. The moon was right beside it, shining bright in blue and bold. Now tell me this, what light will shine when both of them pass on? I just hope our hearts will glow enough to see the dawn. I'd like to take a moment just to think about some things. If sadness is a burden, then is happiness the same? Perhaps it's not these things that keep the joys of life from us. Maybe it's a lack of self that's broken our own trust. If magic only comes when a rabbit leaves a hat, if worth is only there when a soul buys this or that, if you're looking for a gift to match what you have gave, then I'm sure you're filled with selfishness, and I hope you learn to change.
If time is short and you don't know when breath will leave your lungs, be careful with the words that leap so quickly from your tongue. If memory means everything and moments are worthwhile, then you'll never be without a light whenever someone smiles.
I'd like to take a moment just to think about some things. Light and dark are always here, like embers to a flame. They flicker in and flicker out; they do this as you age. So go and fight the darkness, for the light is yours to claim.
I'd like to take a moment just to think about some things. How come the dark can capture light? It's always bent my brain. When you switch a lamp off, it all seems cold and strange. And if you turn the lamp back on, light captures dark the same.
When I was young, I'd always wonder where the moon would go, as the sun would take its place and befriend me with a glow. What slept behind the curvature of earth and stars beyond? Would I solve this mystery before I'm dead and gone? I'd like to take a moment just to think about some things. How come love can capture hate and wash away the pain? For when you hate a soul, the love it runs away in shame. And if you turn the love back on, the hate is locked in chains.
One morning on a summer day, the sun was orange and gold. The moon was right beside it, shining bright in blue and bold. Now tell me this, what light will shine when both of them pass on? I just hope our hearts will glow enough to see the dawn. I'd like to take a moment just to think about some things. If sadness is a burden, then is happiness the same? Perhaps it's not these things that keep the joys of life from us. Maybe it's a lack of self that's broken our own trust. If magic only comes when a rabbit leaves a hat, if worth is only there when a soul buys this or that, if you're looking for a gift to match what you have gave, then I'm sure you're filled with selfishness, and I hope you learn to change.
If time is short and you don't know when breath will leave your lungs, be careful with the words that leap so quickly from your tongue. If memory means everything and moments are worthwhile, then you'll never be without a light whenever someone smiles.
I'd like to take a moment just to think about some things. Light and dark are always here, like embers to a flame. They flicker in and flicker out; they do this as you age. So go and fight the darkness, for the light is yours to claim.