League of Women Voters on Issue 1

Ohio Issue 1 is a legislatively referred amendment to the Ohio Constitution

What is Issue 1? It would require a 60% +1 super majority from voters to approve a constitutional amendment (an increase from a simple majority of 50% +1 that has been the rule since 1912). It would require initiative petitions proposing a constitutional amendment to be signed by at least 5% of the electors in each of Ohio’s 88 counties, rather than in 44 counties, though still require signatures from 10% of the electors that have voted for governor in the previous gubernatorial election; and remove the 10-day period for petitioners to gather additional signatures for a constitutional amendment if they filed an insufficient amount of signatures.

When do Ohioans vote on Issue 1? Issue 1 is the sole ballot item on a special election to be held on Tuesday 8 August 2023. What is the League of Women Voters position on Issue 1? The following was submitted to the Dayton Daily News by the Greater Dayton Area League President.

Ballot initiatives have improved Ohio through war veteran pensions, school construction, housing and conservation, infrastructure improvements, and economic development. Requiring 60% vote to pass an amendment, rather than a simple majority, Issue 1 would unreasonably restrict the ability of citizens to directly participate in democracy.

The legislature is also planning an August Election for voters to decide this issue only, despite just voting to limit August Special Elections, which unnecessarily place strain on elections officials and waste taxpayer dollars. The August 2022 special election drew only an 8% turnout and cost $20 million. This is too important an issue to be decided by so few.

Who’s for this change? Special interest groups and at least one out-of-state megadonor, while former Governors from both parties and nearly 240 civic, labor, and faith groups have expressed opposition. We urge our Ohio legislators to vote no and maintain Ohio’s proud tradition of direct democracy.

Respectfully Submitted, Mario, President League of Women Voters Greater Dayton Area