Equitas Health Announcement

Equitas Health Pharmacy is currently providing free delivery (restrictions apply) of prescriptions and select over-the-counter medications. Click here for pharmacy information.

Due to the current outbreak of coronavirus, Equitas Health is now offering TeleHealth appointments for our current and new patients. You can use a mobile device or camera-equipped computer to meet with your Equitas Health provider. Click here for TeleHealth information.

TeleHealth OneSheet Final 03182020


For the first time in history, we can save the Human Race by lying in front of the TV and doing nothing. LET’S NOT SCREW THIS UP! Yes, for the good of all we have been ordered to quarantine ourselves to help flatten the curve in the spread of the COVID-19 virus, thus a staycation. At the onset of this virus, due to similar symptoms, we often equated this virus with influenzas, yet it quickly proved to be so much more dangerous than the mere Flu. Here's a list of symptoms to watch for. By now you have all heard the best practices to help prevent the spread of the virus:
1. Avoid close contact with others (6 foot separation)
2. Cover a cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash.
3. Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.
4. Clean and disinfect frequently any touched object and surfaces.
5. Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
Of course, should you develop the warning signs of COVID-19: trouble breathing, persistent pressure or pressure in the chest, confusion or the inability to arouse, bluish lips or face, please contact your medical provided immediately. Symptoms will vary with each person so you should consult your medical provider. If you have a medical emergency and need to call 911, notify the operator that you have or think you might have, COVID-19. If possible, put on a facemask or some sort of facial cloth covering before medical help arrives to help reduce the chance of the spread of the virus. Together we will get through this. If you have COVID-19 questions you may call Dayton Public Health at (937) 225-6217 or the Ohio Department of Health at (833) 4-ASK-ODH for information. (Dayton Public Health Clinic does not test for COVID-19). If you’re seeking a health care professional you can visit the all new GayDayton web site to help you find a LGBTQI+ friendly doctor.
What can you do while quarantined? Many of the support groups at the Greater Dayton LGBT Center are moving to conference call or video conferencing during this time so you may still attend via your phone, smart phone, or computer. As a community it is important that we continue to support one another.
What else can you do? Video streaming services are all reporting huge upswings in subscriber usage and new subscribers. Disney has announced its new Pixar film Onward for purchase and rental and will be released to Disney+ streaming on April 3. Warner Bros. is releasing the new Ben Affleck movie The Way Back and The Birds of Prey; if horror is more your style, they are also releasing The Invisible Man less than a month after it appeared in theaters. Perhaps binge watch a series and find out what everyone is talking about when mentioning Baby Yoda, yet if you have not sat down to watch The Mandalorian now is the perfect opportunity to watch, or watch again. You can get some culture: the Metropolitan Operas are streaming nightly. Broadway HD is offering over 300 classic musicals, plays and shows. Additionally, many artists are holding livestreams and virtual concerts. Even the Cincinnati Zoo has a Facebook Live page to show many of their animals. So, while you are at home, there are still many things to capture your attention beyond a puzzle or board game. So now is the time to catch up on your reading and all those projects around the house. Happy Staycation!

What are you doing to fill your time during this Staycation?

Submitted by Randy P.

LGBT Center Announcement

Due to the State of Emergency in the State of Ohio, The Executive Committee of the Greater Dayton LGBT Center along with many other area organizations will be cancelling all non-essential activities from now until March 27th in an effort to keep our community and members safe. The only activities at The Center will be our essential support groups: the AA Group, POZitive Attitudes (our HIV+ support group), SOAR (survivors overcoming assault and rape), and The Gatlyn Dame Group, (Transgender and Non-Conforming support group) will meet. All others will be postponed such as our Pride Planning Meeting, and our Friday Movie Night will be rescheduled until sometime in April. Matt Turner has voluntarily cancelled yoga and our nurse practitioner is unavailable therefore our Health Clinic will be closed temporally. If you have questions, please feel free to call us at (937) 274-1776.
Thank you for your understanding.

Your Greater Dayton LGBTQI Center
Phone: (937) 274-1776

GayDayton™ Back and Reborn!

Thank you for taking a look at GayDayton's new website!  We'll be working very hard to keep our community updated about all that's happening in and around the greater Dayton area.  Providing you the most up to date info on what’s happening now, along with articles about events to come, is very important to us. Check back often as we strive to keep you informed.

Let your voice be heard

GayDayton is looking for serious bloggers interested in contributing to our community. Have a relevant point of view or opinion that will interest, motivate, or inspire? GayDayton reserves the right to accept or reject any submissions.
Click here to become a GayDayton Blogger.