GayDayton™ provides news, information, and references to Dayton area gay–friendly organizations and businesses. GayDayton™ neither recommends nor endorses any of these organizations or businesses. The information on our website is provided as a service to the Dayton, Ohio, gay community.
Equality Springfield
Non-Profit for Equality in Springfield, OH
P.O. Box 506
Springfield, OH 45501
Phone: (937) 360-5602
Lesbian Dayton
Non-Profit whose mission is to build a vibrant, welcoming, and
accessible lesbian community in the Miami Valley
Tri-State Prime Timers
P.O. Box 141205
Cincinnati, OH 45250
Phone: (513) 956-4398
Brothers In Unity
LGBT Center
24 North Jefferson Street, STE 200
Dayton, OH 45402
Phone: (937) 274-1776